Next-generation Humanized Mouse Platform
To create the most effective humanized mice it is crucial to incorporate as many human VH/VL genes as possible, prefera-bly within the mouse VH/VL loci, in order to closely replicate the natural immune response.
The ImmuMab® mice achieve just that with the proprietary MASIRT® technology. ImmuMab® represents the largest genetic humanization ever achieved in mouse immunoglobulin variable loci (in situ).
Construction Strategy : Massive-fragment Across Species In situ Replacement Technology ﹙MASIRT®)
Maximum Antibody Diversity for Your Target — Verified with
NGS analysis shows ImmuMab® has comparable VJ gene pair diversity as WT TF1 mice
Natural Development Path Preserved at Immune Cell Level
Consistent and Stable Immune Response
Hits from ImmuMab® Mice Have High Affinity and Bind Diverse Epitopes
The ImmuMab® mouse is available for licensing as a standalone product or as a fully integrated component of the XupremAb™ discovery platform
Customizable for further gene-editing within 12 weeks before immunization
Affordable license cost with flexible deal structure
New mouse strains for VHH generation are coming soon

XtalPi is keenly aware that every research partner has unique needs and priorities, and is happy to create a customized solution to optimize your research program