• Focused Library Synthesis

    Powered by Chemistry Big Data and Automation

Break free from chemistry bottleneck with intelligent, scalable automation for enhanced throughput and chemical space by XtalPi's

Building Block Collections Synthetic Feasibility Prediction Models

Enabling rapid and robust library synthesis by XtalPi's automation infrastructure
  • Synthesizability

    • Physics-based models assess building blocks' reactivity based on electronic/steric properties of reactive sites and rank them for the optimal reaction conditions

    • AI-based models predict synthetic feasibility using machine learning models trained by high-quality experimental data

  • Stringent Quality

    • Empirical structural rules to detect build block competing sites and corresponding side reactions for downstream analytical evaluation

    • Proprietary AI algorithm to streamline QC data analysis

    • Fast and high-throughput automated post-reaction work-up and prep-HPLC purification

  • Seamless Compound

    • End-to-end compound management to streamline workflows and ensure seamless integration

    • Tailored cherry picking, dispensing, and reformatting to meet specific research needs

    • In-house bioassay testings by request

  • Automation-aided chemical synthesis enhances efficiency, reliability, and safety protocols
    Fast Delivery
    • Streamline repetitive processes to accelerate the Focused Library synthesis

    • Handle multiple reactions simultaneously, ensuring the weekly delivery of up to 600 molecules

    High Success Rate
    • Rank and filter out the challenging building blocks through proprietary AI and physics-based synthesizability assessment models

    • Reduce human error with precise control over reaction conditions through automation infrastructure

    Guaranteed Resupply at Scale
    • Optimize reaction conditions for consistent results through robust chemistry development

    • Achieve high reproducibility with comprehensive, well-documented experimental reports

  • Case Study
    Project scope
    A focused library with 70 molecules was designed for critical SAR studies, ensuring delivery within a tight timeline.

    XtalPi solution
    Combining AI-driven synthetic feasibility prediction with automation efficiency for time-effective experiment execution.

    Key outcomes
    Successfully generated 62 molecules with up to 80% overall yield with a minimum 95% purity in 6 workdays from design to delivery.

XtalPi is keenly aware that every research partner has unique needs and priorities, and is happy to create a customized solution to optimize your research program